information on N. viridescens (fwd)

malacins malacins at indiana.edu
Sat Jan 9 14:15:04 EST 1999

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 02:10:25 EST
From: Sapo73 at aol.com
To: malacins at indiana.edu
Cc: tt48 at cornell.edu
Subject: information on N. viridescens

Dear Dr. Malacinski,

I am a graduate student in the Field of Ecology and Evolution at Cornell
University. I am hoping to work on a project with N. viridescens this summer
for which I will need to be able to collect their eggs. I am missing some
vital information which I haven't been able to locate in the literature. Toni
Blackler, a Cornell professor in Genetics, suggested that I contact you.

I have two questions about N. viridescens:
1- What is the lower limit in pH tolerance?
2- Is it possible to either induce them to mate and oviposit in the
laboratory, or to collect females with fertilized eggs and wait for them to
oviposit? If so, what are the chances of success for these methods, and is
there any standard methodology to carry this out?

I would greatly appreciate any help/advice you can give me on this subject. If
there is anyone else you think I should contact that information would be
welcome also.

Thank You
Tswakai Tsomondo

NB - This email address will only continue until the end of january - I can
also be reached at tt48 at cornell.edu, which is a permanent email address

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