Joining urodeles' newsgroup!!!

Marta Biagioli m.biagio at dfb.unipi.it
Wed May 17 12:15:49 EST 2000

Dear friends,
this is a young biologist interested in joining the urodeles newsgroup!!
I'm looking for someone who works with Pleurodeles waltl and who uses
metallothioneis in his experiments!!! Could you help me in someways??
Thank you very much....   Looking fron hearing from you
                                                        Sincerely yours

Dott.ssa Marta Biagioli
Universita' di Pisa
Dipartimento di Fisiologia e Biochimica
Laboratorio di Biologia cellulare e dello sviluppo
Via Carducci, 13
I-56010  GHEZZANO (Pisa)

Tel.    +39-050-878356
Fax     +39-050-878486
e-mail  m.biagio at dfb.unipi.it


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