Zoo needs help

Richard Gordon gordonr at Ms.UManitoba.CA
Sun Feb 25 05:35:25 EST 2001

Dear Kevin,
I am forwarding your message to the Diatom List to my colleagues on 
Uronet and Amphibian Decline, on the chance that some of them might 
be of assistance. Good luck.
Yours, -Dick

>Dear diatom-specialists:
>We at the Detroit Zoo are breeding a critically endangered 
>neotropical toad whose tadpoles seem to feed exclusively on brown 
>diatom algae.  Their appetite is enormous, more than our modest 
>cultures can supply, and we are seeking sources of more diatom 
>(wild, lab, commercial, etc.).  Also, there is a 
>'chironomid-looking' midge that has infected our cultures and 
>tadpole tanks, and their larvae are rapidly consuming the diatoms as 
>well.  Is any of you familiar with this animal and perhaps a means 
>to discourage it?
>Thanks for your thoughts, Kevin
>Kevin Zippel, Ph.D.
>Curator, National Amphibian Conservation Center
>Detroit Zoological Institute
>Royal Oak, MI 48068-0039
>PH: (248) 398-0903 ex. 3224
>FX: (248) 691-4194
>kzippel at detroitzoo.org


Dr. Richard Gordon, Radiology, University of Manitoba, HSC Rm. GA216, 
820 Sherbrook St.
Winnipeg R3A 1R9 Canada
Adjunct: Electrical & Computer Engineering, Exec Member: CSTB, CARRF, IEEE-EMBS
phone:(204)789-3828, fax:(204)787-2080, e-mail: GordonR at ms.umanitoba.ca
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