Biocomplexity Workshop: May 14-18 (Bloomington, IN)

Jill M. Gresens jgresens at indiana.edu
Mon Apr 21 16:02:04 EST 2003

The Axolotl Colony would like to draw your attention to the following 
workshop announcement:


May 14-18, 2003

Indiana University Bloomington Willkie Conference Center

Regenerative biology is the science of understanding the mechanisms of 
natural regeneration that are used in the animal world to replace 
cells, tissues and complex structures and how these mechanisms differ 
from those that lead to fibrosis, or scarring. Regenerative medicine is 
the application of this knowledge to enable the regeneration of 
biological structures that normally do not regenerate well. 
Regeneration requires a source of regeneration-competent cells, the 
right systemic and local environmental signals, and the absence of 
inhibitors of regeneration. The intent of this workshop is to bring 
together experts on regeneration over a wide range of experimental 
systems to synthesize the current state of our knowledge on the biology 
of regeneration and to assess our progress toward the establishment of 
a regenerative medicine.

Indiana University Biocomplexity Institute, Center For Regenerative 
Biology and Medicine and Interdisciplinary Center For the Study Of 
Biocomplexity of the University of Notre Dame

Additional Information:
Details on workshop, registration and lodging are available at:


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