[Urodeles] Registration Link for UK Axolotl Site

ambystoma ambystoma at uky.edu
Wed Jul 20 10:00:13 EST 2005

It was brought to my attention that the link to our registration form  
in my message did not work.
I want to apologize for any inconveniences.  The link didn't work  
because it was too long for one line and thus the "broken-up" link  
wouldn't work.  Please try this:


Thank you.

Laura Muzinic, M.Sc., Associate Director
Chris Muzinic, RALAT, Curator
Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center
University of Kentucky, Biology Dept.
101 T. H. Morgan Building
Lexington, KY  40506
Phone: (859) 323-5679
Fax: (859) 257-1717
ambystoma at uky.edu

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