Ageing questions

Vincenzo Nardi-Dei vinz at PCLSP2.KUICR.KYOTO-U.AC.JP
Thu May 12 23:03:17 EST 1994

Roy Hall wrote:

>To the Reader:
>The reason you are reading this article is because you are curio
>about ageing and if it can be reversed. I feel the same way. I mean I don't
>believe in magic but in science. I would welcome any replies. Even arguments
>are welcome. You can reply to me at this adress or send mail to riot at masc.com
>                Thanks,
>                Roy Hall III

I think the subject is of course very interesteing and I would
appreciate if the answeres were made public, that means, directly
to ageing at net.bio.net.


-- Vincenzo

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