desirability of aging.

ABUBU abubu at aol.com
Fri May 27 19:23:01 EST 1994

In article <15498.9405270859 at mailer.leeds.ac.uk>,
malcolm at GEOG.LEEDS.AC.UK (Malcolm McMahon) writes:

>You can be as ageing proof as you like - it doesn't stop you from
>being hit by a bus. I'd estimate if you removed ageing and disease
>human live expectancy would go up to maybe 300 - 400 years
>mostly on social stability).

The statistics that I have seen (doubt they include wars and such)
say that if you were a careful driver (auto accidents being the main
cause of accidental death), and if safety continues to inprove with
better technology as it has been, you could expect to live over
100,000 years.

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