Do unicellular organisms age?

Dmitri Chamchad bk772 at FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA
Sat Jun 3 04:17:03 EST 1995

On 2 Jun 1995, Arnold H Seto wrote:

> Oliver Bogler writes:
> >I agree witht the first point - bacteria, for example, do not age as there
> >*must* be an unbroken chain of cells from the beginning of the bacterial
> >life to today. The germline of higher organisms can be seen similarly as
> >an "immortal" clone. (Immortal is in quotes because there was a heated
> >debate in this group about the appropriateness of using that word to talk
> >about cells - it is used purely in its narrow biological sense).

> I believe a distinction must be made between the immortality of
bacterial > colonies and cell lines and the immortality of the
_individual_ organism. > Colonies may appear immortal and appear to have a
single genotype, but the > actual, single bacterium (if it could be
isolated) might be found to die after a > limited number of divisions. 
> In yeast, careful separation of mother and daughter cells has shown that the
> mother cell stops dividing after budding and eventually dies.
  In human organism we have the same cell line - germ cells. I think this
pull do not age, just somatic environment can't keep this pull alive. 
Spematogenic layer very looks like bacterial clon. And we have to find 
difference between germ and somatic cells.

    Yours  truly

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