Do unicellular organisms age?

Fissure fissure at io.org
Sat Jun 3 23:44:58 EST 1995

>O no, you are not right. The division of a yeast ( S.cerevisiae) cell 
>budding give rise to two cells which are identifiable, that is, the mother 
>cell from which the bud arose, and the daughter cell which developed 
>from the bud.
>Therefore, yeast cell (S.c.) produce a finite number of daughters during 
>their life span, which are elaborated on the surface of mother cell as a 
>The number of buds produced by mother, one during each cell division
>cycle, is the metric of the life span and as I sad before is finite (26-30 

has any research been done to measure possble telomere length reduction over
this lifespan? do yeast telomeres shrink as the mother cell divides?

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