Doctor of Science in Ageing

Suresh Rattan rattan at kemi.aau.dk
Fri Jun 30 04:20:37 EST 1995

I would like to share with the readers of this group my happiness on the
award of the degree of Doctor of Science (Or: Doctor Scientiarum, as they
say it in Denmark) in the field of biology of ageing by the Faculty of
Natural Sciences, University of Aarhus, Denmark. This award (which to the
best of our knowledge is the first one in the field of biology of ageing)
also acknowledges the fact that the research area of cellular and molecular
biology of ageing has now matured enough to be worthy of recognition with
the highest academic degree.
For me personally, it is the culmination of my formal "training and
education" in the field of ageing, which began with my initiation through
an MSc (Hons) research thesis on aspects of insect ageing, G.N.D.
University, Amritsar, India (1977); MPhil thesis on the development and
ageing of hydra, J.N.U., New Delhi, India (1979); PhD thesis on human
fibroblast ageing, at the National Institute for Medical resrach, Mill
Hill, London, UK (1982); and now the post-PhD degree for my research on the
translational regulation of gene expression during ageing and for the
development of certain ideas about the nature of gerontogenes.
Hopefully, such a recognition of the field will make it more attractive for
young beginners to consider doing research in the field of ageing.

Dr. Suresh I.S. Rattan, PhD; DSc
Laboratory of Cellular Ageing
Department of Chemistry
Aarhus University
DK-8000 Aarhus-C, Denmark.      Phone: +45 8942 3956; Fax: +45 8619 6199

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