[Ageing] New Exceptional Human Longevity Monograph

Leonid Gavrilov gavrilov at longevity-science.org
Tue Aug 2 14:13:52 EST 2005


I am pleased to announce a new scientific monograph on exceptional human 
longevity, written with our participation:

"Living to 100 and Beyond" Monograph
published online at:

This monograph is a product of international collaboration of a large team 
of experts from 12 countries (England, Canada, Germany, India, Mexico, 
France, Switzerland, Taiwan, Philippines, China, Japan, and the United 
States), who took part in the International Scientific Symposium "Living to 
100 and Beyond" in Florida, USA.

In particular, this new monograph contains our chapter:

  "Search for Predictors of Exceptional Human Longevity"

which can be discussed at:

Kind regards,

-- Leonid Gavrilov

Dr. Leonid A. Gavrilov, Center on Aging
NORC/University of Chicago
Website: http://longevity-science.org/
Blog: http://longevity.scienceboard.net/
Resumes: http://myprofile.cos.com/gavrilov

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