International and Interdisciplinary Conference
on Modeling and Using Context
Rio de Janeiro (Brasil),
February 4-6, 1997
(a postscript version of the CFP is available at and
The importance of the notion of context is now widely
acknowledged, as evidenced by the numerous workshops,
symposia and seminars on context held in 1995. The goal
of this conference is to bring together researchers
working on the notion of context from different points
of view and in a variety of disciplines.
In formal approaches, several formalizations of context
have been proposed.
In Computational Linguistics, context is a central notion
both to understand and produce text.
Knowledge-based systems now are designed and developed to
work collaborate with users in performing a task. This
shift in the expert-system paradigm implies that a system
must deal with notions as cooperation, explanation and
incremental knowledge acquisition. Context can thus play
an important role. Cognitive Scientists have long been
debating on the general meaning and the significance of
context in the environment. Cognitive systems engineering
has always recognised that cognition does not exist without
a context.
The use of context across domains implies that each
researcher may benefit of the experience of others. It is
hoped that this exchange of ideas will provide some answers
to questions that remain open.
Formalization of context, Modeling of context, Descriptions
of context and analysis of influence on performance, Use of
context in: applications, artificial intelligence, cognitive
science, decision support systems, HCI, ITS,logic programming,
management, natural language, psychology, etc.
Papers received: September 30th, 1996
Author notification: October 30th, 1996
Final papers received: December 1st, 1996
Conference: February 4-6, 1997
Participants will be selected on the basis of submitted
papers (10 pages maximum) by three referees at least.
Papers must include in the first page: title, author's
name(s), affiliation, complete mailing address, phone
number, fax number, e-mail, an abstract of 300 words
maximum, and up to five keywords. Submissions must be sent to
the Chairperson of the Programme Committee (at the address
given below) by surface mail (i.e., paper in four copies),
postscript version uuencoded, Word5.1 document attached to
an e-mail (via Eudora on Mac Intosh).
The Proceedings of the conference will be published by an
International Publisher.
According to proposals and the number of participants interested,
we may consider to have workshops and tutorials the two days
prior the conference. Please, contact the Chairperson of the
Programme Committee for more details and proposals.
Chandrasekaran B. (Ohio State Univ., USA)
Clancey W. (IRL, USA)
Giunchiglia F. (IRST, Italy)
Hayes P. (Beckman Institute, USA)
Lenat D. (MCC, USA)
Sowa J. (Binghamton Univ., USA)
Steels L. (V.U.B., Belgium)
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE (*: to be confirmed)
Abu-Hakima S. (NRC, Canada)
Akman V. (Bilkent Univ., Turkey)
Boy G. (Eurisco, France)
Breuker J. (Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Edmondson W. (Univ. of Birmingham, UK)
Ejkova I. (Russian Acad. of Sciences, Russia)
* Finin T. (Univ. of Maryland at Baltimore, USA)
* Gasser L. (Univ. of Southern California, USA)
Gilbert N.(Univ. of Surrey, UK)
Guha R. (USA)
* Hayes-Roth B. (Stanford Univ., USA)
* Hollender M. (Univ. of Kassel, Germany)
Hollnagel E. (OECD, Norway)
Hovy E. (USC/ISI, USA)
Humphreys P. (London School of Economics, UK)
Kodratoff Y. (Univ. of Paris 11, France)
Lefevre T. (AIT, Thailand)
Maybury M.T. (Mitre Corp., USA)
Mizoguchi R. (Osaka University, Japan)
* Moore J. (Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA)
Nardi B. (Apple Computer, USA)
* Neches R. (USC/ISI, USA)
Paris C. (Univ. of Brighton, UK)
Paton R. (Univ. of Liverpool, UK)
Pomerol J.-Ch. (Univ. Paris 6, France)
Serafini L. (IRST, Italy)
Suthers D. (Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA)
Turner R. (Univ. of Maine, USA)
* Van Hentenrick P. (Brown University, USA)
Young R. (North Carolina State Univ., USA)
* Zukerman I. (Monash Univ., Australia)
Cavalcanti Marcos (Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
Naveiro Ricardo (COPPE, Brasil)
Chair of the Programme Committee:
Brezillon Patrick
University Paris VI,
4, Place Jussieu
F-75252 PARIS Cedex 05
Tel: (33 1) 44 27 70 08
Fax: (33 1) 44 27 70 00
E-mail: brezil at
Chair of the Organization Committee:
Cavalcanti Marcos
CP 68507
21945-970 Rio de Janeiro
Tel/Fax: (+55 21) 590-8817
Email : marcos at