[Cardiovascular-research] Folic acid lowers blood concentrations of homocysteine

Andrew Wight smilerandy9 at metronet.co.uk
Thu Nov 3 12:47:48 EST 2005

Folic acid lowers blood concentrations of homocysteine

      A new study published in the October 2005 issue of the American 
Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicates that a dosage of at least 800 mcg of 
folic acid is needed to maximally reduce plasma homocysteine concentrations. 
Increased blood homocysteine levels are considered to be a risk factor for 
cardiovascular disease. This meta-analysis of 25 studies evaluated the 
effect of various doses of folic acid on plasma homocysteine. Doses of 800 
micrograms provided a significantly greater reduction in plasma homocysteine 
compared to 400 micrograms. Supplementation with 800 micrograms folic acid 
per day was associated with a 23 percent reduction in homocysteine, compared 
to a 20 percent reduction associated with 400 micrograms. A dosage of 200 
mcg was associated with a 13 percent reduction. Higher doses provided only a 
slightly greater benefit. The addition of vitamin B12 was associated with a 
synergistic benefit. Although some fortified foods contribute to daily 
intake in the U.S., many multi-nutrient supplements provide just 400 mcg of 
folic acid. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 82, No. 4, 806-812, 
October 2005

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