[Cardiovascular-research] Out of breath when I start to speak

fkissam fkissam at bellsouth.net
Tue Jan 10 15:32:11 EST 2006

Within just a minute or two of opening my mouth to speak, I am completely
out of breath and ready to "black out".  It feels like a stroke ---- but
maybe something different.  I have trouble speaking and I do slur my words
just a little.   I am only in my 40s.  I have less trouble when I am doing
mild exercise . and GREAT trouble the moment I try to speak.

I have had major neck surgery Cervical 4,5,and 6 with titanium plate and
bone fusion.  Also, I have a thoracic 10-11 disc compressing my spinal cord
where the lungs and heart attach.  I am recently treating for sleep apnea
with CPAP.  My oxygen levels drop to about 82%. Also, my glucose levels are
frequently hypoglycemia around 50.   Also, have some asthma.

The MRI of my brain seemed OK except for dehydration.   A more detailed
SPECT scan of the brain showed concussion injuries with severe low oxygen.

Since the problem has gotten worse since neck and thorax problems, I am
wondering on the likelihood of the problem being the vagus nerve being
affected by neck surgery scar tissue.   Or, maybe the culprit is the
thoracic disc compressing the spinal cord wehre the lungs and heart attach.

I am trying to figure out how to get this properly diagnosed without running
around to tons of different specialists like cardiologists, pulmonologists,
MRI radiologists, neurologists, etc..  Is there some sort of flowchart /
decision tree that can help me rule certain things out or go down a certain
medical specialty?

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