[Cardiovascular-research] From the Editor - Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology

malitufekci via cardiors%40net.bio.net (by malitufekci from gmail.com)
Fri Aug 17 03:59:33 EST 2007

from the editor

Dear Reader,

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?"

So said German physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955).

We, as researchers working in the field of Cell and Molecular Biology,
usually start our research from scratch with so many questions in mind
and with heart palpitations in throat. When we are done, we
desperately look for a colleague to bounce with us on the lab floor.
The paper has already been written in our mind from the beginning, but
here comes the tingling question: Where to publish, or even more
importantly, where and how to publish with minimum pain?

Since publications indexed in SCI are required for the applications to
academic institutions and for academic increments, authors -as a
matter of fact- prefer to submit their manuscripts specifically to
those journals. However, in the long run this situation may leave the
other newly developing -but certainly dedicated- journals out of play.
I personally believe that it is of great importance to support
developing journals by submitting original papers for publication.

Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology was first published in 2002 by
Haliç University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. On the 10th year of
Haliç University, the Journal celebrates its 6th volume. Journal of
Cell and Molecular Biology has a broad range of interest including
cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, microbiology, neurobiology
and bioinformatics. In fact, today we are experiencing great technical
and scientific developments worldwide, which necessitate the
cooperation of almost all research areas. Therefore the Journal aims
to encourage publications with an interdisciplinary approach. In
addition, independent and international peer-review system guarantees
that all studies appearing in Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology
are of high standard.

Leaving five years behind, the Journal is now indexed in ULAKBIM,
BIOSIS, EBSCO, DOAJ, EMBASE, CAPCAS and EMBiology . We would like to
thank both the authors who have submitted their manuscripts to the
Journal and the referees who have carefully evaluated the works
submitted. With the continuous help of distinguished researchers and
expert referees, we will further improve the quality of our Journal.
Therefore, I am confident that the Journal of Cell and Molecular
Biology is a young yet valuable and promising scientific journal. I
would like to take this opportunity and invite the scientists working
in the field of Cell and Molecular Biology to publish their work in
our Journal.

We would be more than pleased to hear from you with any comments or
thoughts you may have at jcmb from halic.edu.tr ( web page    http://jcmb.halic.edu.tr)

Kind regards,

Nagehan Ersoy, PhD


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