Each year Plant Physiology will sponsor the Young Scientistís Best
ìPlant Biologyî Paper-of-the-Year Award.
The winning paper will be selected by a committee that is composed of
the Editor-in-Chief and selected members of the editorial board of
Plant Physiology. Nominations can be submitted by editorial board
members, reviewers, or others familiar with the scientific content of
the paper. Each year in November, ASPP will remind its members by
e-mail and via the ASPP NEWS to nominate papers for the prize.
Letters of nominations should not exceed two pages and should
describe the research, its significance, and the role that the first
author (i.e. the nominee) played in the discovery process. Articles
must have been published during the previous calendar year. Papers
that show truly novel mechanistic or conceptual insights at any level
of biological complexity, from the molecular to the whole plant, will
be considered.
Six copies of the nominating letter and six copies of the paper
should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief of Plant Physiology. The
deadline for submission each year will be February 15, and the
selection will be made during March. The winner will be announced in
Plant Physiology and in the ASPP NEWS, as well as in the program of
the Societyís annual meeting. The winner will be the first author of
the paper and, to qualify, must have been a graduate student or
postdoc at the time the work was performed or the paper was written.
If two authors contributed equally and their publication is chosen
for an award, the prize will be split between the two. For
scientists not on a traditional career track, five years of
professional work post-Ph.D. will be the cutoff for consideration.
The award will consist of a $1,000 cash prize and a subsidy of up to
$1,500 to attend the ASPP annual meeting the year of the award. The
ASPP Program Committee will schedule an appropriate minisymposium at
the annual meeting that will feature a presentation by the award
recipient. The winner and her or his presentation will be
highlighted in the program.
Natasha Raikhel
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1312 USA
Phone: (517) 353-3518
Fax: (517) 353-9168
e-mail: nraikhel at