[Maize] Post-doctoral positions available

Katrien M. Devos via maize%40net.bio.net (by kdevos from uga.edu)
Fri Feb 7 09:19:50 EST 2014

Post-Doc Positions Available - University of Georgia, Athens, USA

1. Post-doc position in Computational Genomics: Annotation and analysis of the genome of Aegilops tauschii
A 3-year postdoctoral position is available immediately to conduct bioinformatic analyses within the context of a collaborative NSF-funded project to sequence the genome of Aegilops tauschii, the D-genome donor to bread wheat.  The successful candidate will participate in the annotation of the Ae. tauschii genome and develop new algorithms and approaches to investigate the structural and functional evolution of the Ae. tauschii genome.  The position is based in the labs of Dr. Katrien M. Devos, Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, and Dept. of Plant Biology, and Dr. Jeffrey L. Bennetzen, Dept. of Genetics at the University of Georgia, Athens.  The post-doc with be part of and closely collaborate with a team of geneticists and bioinformaticians located across different institutions nationally and internationally.

Requirements: A PhD in bioinformatics, computer science, genetics or other relevant topic; a strong background in statistics; proficient in one or more scripting languages; experience with the analysis of large biological data sets; excellent oral and written communications skills.

Individuals interested in the position should send (1) a cover letter summarizing their research interests and expertise relevant to the project (2) a Curriculum Vitae, and (3) the names and contact information for at least three people who can provide recommendations.  The application should be sent as a single pdf file to Katrien M. Devos (kdevos from uga.edu<mailto:kdevos from uga.edu>).  Salary will be commensurate with appropriate experience and the position includes health and retirement benefits.  Review of applications will start immediately and will continue until a suitable applicant has been found.

The University of Georgia is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

2. Post-doc position in switchgrass genomics: Phenotypic and expression QTL analysis for frost tolerance in switchgrass
A 3-year postdoctoral position is available immediately to work on a collaborative DOE-funded project to enhance our understanding of the genetics of cold tolerance in switchgrass, Panicum virgatum.  Switchgrass is a grass native to the USA and has many characteristics which make it suitable for development as a bioenergy crop.  The post-doc will use next-generation sequencing technologies to generate marker data for genetic mapping and transcriptome data for expression QTL mapping, and will be responsible for data generation as well as data analysis.

Requirements: a PhD in genetics or equivalent topic; excellent molecular skills; experience with bioinformatic analysis of next-generation sequencing data; excellent oral and written communication skills.

Individuals interested in the position should send (1) a cover letter summarizing their research interests, (2) a Curriculum Vitae, and (3) the names and contact information for at least three people who can provide recommendations.  The application should be sent as a single pdf file to Katrien M. Devos (kdevos from uga.edu<mailto:kdevos from uga.edu>).  Salary will be commensurate with appropriate experience and the position includes health and retirement benefits.  Review of applications will start immediately and will continue until a suitable applicant has been found.

The University of Georgia is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

3. Post-doc position in grass genetics: Genetic analyses in Setaria viridis, a model for switchgrass
A 1-year postdoctoral position is available immediately to work on a collaborative NSF-funded project to study both the overall diversity in Setaria viridis, a model for switchgrass, and the variation present in specific target genes related to adaptation.  The position will involve generation and analysis of next-generation sequencing data as well as the use of 'classical' molecular techniques such as PCR, Sanger sequencing and quantitative RT-PCR.

Requirements: a PhD in genetics or equivalent topic; excellent molecular skills; ability to use bioinformatics tools; excellent oral and written communication skills.

Individuals interested in the position should send (1) a cover letter summarizing their research interests, (2) a Curriculum Vitae, and (3) the names and contact information for at least three people who can provide recommendations.  The application should be sent as a single pdf file to Katrien M. Devos (kdevos from uga.edu<mailto:kdevos from uga.edu>).  Salary will be commensurate with appropriate experience and the position includes health and retirement benefits.  Review of applications will start immediately and will continue until a suitable applicant has been found.

The University of Georgia is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

Katrien M. Devos
Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, and Dept. of Plant Biology
3111 Miller Plant Sciences Building
University of Georgia,
Athens, GA 30602
Tel: (706) 542-0925
Fax: (706) 542-0914
E-mail: kdevos from uga.edu<mailto:kdevos from uga.edu>

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