[Maize] Biocuration 2014 Conference: April 6-9, 2014 in Toronto, Canada

Robin Haw via maize%40net.bio.net (by Robin.Haw from oicr.on.ca)
Tue Jan 14 01:19:11 EST 2014


7th International Biocuration Conference

Biocuration 2014

Toronto, Canada

April 6-9, 2014


Abstracts Due: February 10, 2014


Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am pleased to invite you to the 7th International Biocuration Conference in Toronto, Canada. The conference will will begin at 6pm on Sunday 6, April and run through to 5pm on Wednesday 9, 2014. The conference will provide a forum for trainees, biocurators, investigators, clinicians and developers of biological databases to discuss their work, promote collaboration and foster a sense of community in this very active and growing area of research. Participants from academia, government and industry interested in the methods and tools employed in curation of biological and medical data are encouraged to attend. While a number of speakers have been invited, please note that the majority of oral presentations will be drawn from openly submitted abstracts.


The primary site for the conference is Hart House, considered the cultural and ceremonial centre of the University of Toronto.


The proposed 2014 conference sessions and workshops will address the following challenges in biocuration:

Automated Function Prediction (workshop)

Big Data Curation: Dealing with supplementary data (workshop)

Biocreative Text Mining (workshop)

Biological and Clinical Ontologies (session)

Clinical Annotations (session)

Data Integration and Data Sharing (session)

Functional Annotations (session)

Microbial Informatics (session)

Phenotype (workshop)

Social Tools for publishing and curation (workshop)


Dr. Tim Hubbard, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

Dr. Suzanna Lewis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Dr. Patricia Babbitt, California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3)

Dr. Lincoln Stein, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research


The registration form can be found at: http://biocuration2014.events.oicr.on.ca/biocuration-registration-and-abstract-submission


Submit your abstract for presentation (poster or talks only) via this link: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isb2014


Abstract submission deadline (poster or oral presentation): February 10, 2014

Fellowships Application deadline: February 10, 2014

Notification of decision for abstract submission: February 24, 2014

Fellowships Notification of acceptance: February 24, 2014

Online registration ends: March 24, 2014.


A limited number of rooms have been secured at the following hotels at a discounted rate.

Holiday Inn
Deadline: February 18, 2014
Reference: Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Cost: $130/night
To book visit http://www.holidayinn.com/TorontoCentre and quote the reference code above.

Courtyard Marriott Downtown
Deadline: February 5, 2014
Reference: Biocuration 2014
Cost: $149/night (Single/Double Rate)
To book please visit http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/yyzcy-courtyard-toronto-downtown/ and quote the reference code above.

Eaton Chelsea
Deadline: March 6, 2014
Cost: $139/night
To book and receive the special rate please click here.<https://gc.synxis.com/rez.aspx?Hotel=59052&Chain=10316&start=availresults&locale=en-GB&arrive=05/04/2014&depart=09/04/2014&adult=2&child=0&group=GDSOICR14>

Looking forward to seeing you at Biocuration 2014.


Robin Haw

Organizing Committee

Robin Haw (Chair) Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, ON, Canada

Marc Gillespie (Co-chair) St John's University, NY, USA

Francis Ouellette (Co-chair) Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, ON, Canada

Alex Bateman, European Bioinformatics Institute, UK

Michelle Brazas, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, ON, Canada

Fiona Brinkman, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada

Mike Cherry, Stanford University, CA, USA

Patricia Falzon, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, ON, Canada

Nicole Gleed, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, ON, Canada

Pascale Gaudet, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland

Iddo Friedberg, Miami University, OH, USA

Todd Harris, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, ON, Canada

Raja Mazumder, George Washington University, DC, USA

Dennis McCormac, Ontario Genomics Institute, ON, Canada

Ilene Mizrachi, National Center for Biotechnology Information, DC, USA

Monica C. Munoz-Torres, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA

John Parkinson, The Hospital for Sick Children, ON, Canada

Paul Thomas, University of California, CA, USA

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