"Biolog" ID system

Dr. Michael J. Miller mignatz at mjmiller.roc.servtech.com
Sun Apr 23 20:46:21 EST 1995

Also take a look at the Vitek system, by BioMeriux Vitek.  I've looked at
the Biolog system in the past.  They have a good environmental isolate
database, however, I could not get consistent/repeatable results when
validating with ATCC reference strains (this was a year ago...I don't know
if they have made any improvements since then).  API has an automated
system, as does Baxter.  They should all be displaying their "wares" at
ASM in May.  If you or your colleagues are going, you should be able to
see each of these systems IN ACTION!  Good luck! -Dr. Michael Miller

In article <T.Lewis-180495143127 at mg1_141.plant.utas.edu.au>,
T.Lewis at agsci.utas.edu.au (Tom Lewis) wrote:

> I am looking into methods for identifying (or at least differentiating)
> bacterial isolates  from soil and sea-water samples.  One such method
> recommended to me is the "Biolog" System.
> Does anyone have any experience (good or bad) with this system?
> Are there any other similar systems which I should consider?
> Eventually, I'll be needing to isolate and differentiate approx. 3000
> different strains.
> Thanks
> Tom Lewis


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