Hey foklks,
I'm looking for some information (i.e. literature or
contacts) upon the following topics:
1) the influence of biological river bed environment
(especially Diatoms) upon sedimnet transport (erosion,
sediment stability) and upon water quality;
2) the cultivation of Diatoms;
3) experiments on benthic Diatoms.
4) Of which components is the mucus of Diatoms made?
5) Which mileau does in this mucus prevail?
6) Which interactons do exist between Diatoms film and the
Diatom film covering difusion layer?
I would be very happy if someone can send any information
(literature, contact adresses or anything else) about
these topics. They are very important for actual work.
Please send your informations to the e-mail-addres
deepthou at fmi.uni-passau.de
Volker Braun