CA. Public Health Microbiologists

SciRsch scirsch at aol.com
Sat Dec 2 15:58:57 EST 1995

I have some questions that I hope someone is able to answer.  The
questions are: 

1) If someone is accepted as a trainee what are the odds of getting in? 

2) What is the purpose of the interview if they have already been accepted
in as a trainee?  

3) Who conducts the interview--is it from the labs that the person has
sent resumes to who are interested in training that particular person or
is it just a general interview by the state?  

4) How soon  after the interview does one find out which lab they are
going to be trained in?  

5) Which state lab is the best to train in?  

6) Does the state pay for the training and if so how much does the trainee
get paid?  

7) Once trained what are the odds of the then certified PHM of getting a
job in one of the state labs? 

If anyone is able to answer these questions please send e-mail to Scirsch.
 Thanks in advance.

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