Help please!

Karean L Chapman klc at netcom.com
Fri Dec 15 14:57:08 EST 1995

Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me find a lab that will test a 
hamburger. My child ate a piece of a Wendy's hamburger that my sister-in 
law fed him and he became extremely ill within 45 min. of ingesting the 

We still have this hamburger in the fridge and I am searching for a Food 
science type of lab that can test it for me. So far no luck I have tried 
several and they told me that they only work with large companies.

Does anyone in the Bay Area know where there is a lab that will test this 
for me. Or can anyone tell me where I should be looking and calling.

Please respond directly to me for I do not have much access to this list. 
My email address is klc at netcom.com

Thank you,


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