Go to the root causes

100451.1717 at compuserve.com 100451.1717 at compuserve.com
Sun Dec 24 05:47:12 EST 1995


My mother is a chronic sufferer.  

Forget the microbiology, go to the root causes.  It runs in the family (ie. genetic
predisposition due to anatomy, pH, other causes).

A great deal of progress has been made in the UK by suggesting small
changes in diet (alter pH, avoid certain foods, drink water) and
changes in hygiene (type of soap, etc.).  They seem to be able to reduce 
UTI in chronic sufferers through these methods.

I can't give you a reference source, but there has been much published
recently: go to the British medical journals.

As you've already seen, antibiotics don't get at the root problem--you're just
teaching resistance to the bugs.

Good luck,

John Lonergan

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