New WWWsite: The Antibody Resource Page

Kevin Shreder kshreder at ucsd.edu
Fri Jun 7 20:48:04 EST 1996

New WWWsite:  The Antibody Resource Page

I'm announcing the debut of The Antibody Resource Page, the first 
website devoted to bringing together the vast number of resources 
about antibodies on the net.  The page is designed for both experts 
and novices alike.  It includes links to educational websites about 
antibodies, links to on-line companies (more than 50) that sell 
antibodies and antibody-related products, links to antibody-related 
databases, essays on antibody-related topics, and more.  The URL is:


If you have something to contribute, please contact me via email. Or 
just contact me to let me know what you think of the page!

Kevin Shreder, Ph.D.
University of California at San Diego
kshreder at ucsd.edu
New WWWsite:  The Antibody Resource Page

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