Swimming pool regulations

David SIMON DLS at hc2.health.sa.gov.au
Tue Jun 25 18:46:39 EST 1996

We are currently reviewing our swimming pool
regulations - in particular water treatment
processes.  Domestic ownership of pools in
Australia is particularly high, and more
importantly, the numbers of municiple/public
pools is also very high.

I'm interested to know how uniform swimming pool
regulations are across the world.  Currently our
regulations are based on residue free chlorine
concentrations - related to temperature and 
whether or not stabilization is used.  Filtration
rates, alkalinity and pH also are set.

If your regulations/guidelines/standards use
a similar method to maintain microbiological
integrety of the pool, or some other method
please let me know.

I'm also interested in methods that control 'body' or 
'person' loads. We are finding that pool
operators don't link (perhaps not all cases) body 
load to microbial contamination, (except in the case of
children, usually) and chlorine requiements, especially 
in cases where pools are used for 16-18 hours a day.

For that matter does any one have an algorithm that 
relates chlorine needed vs body load?  I can see
problems with such a method - but it would be interesting
to see whether it can be done.

Dr David SIMON
Public & Environmental Health
South Australian Health Commision
PO Box 6 Rundle Mall
Adelaide SA 5000 Australia
Tel: 61 8 2266 323
Fax: 61 8 22 66 111
Em: DLS at hc2.health.sa.gov.au

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