BioGroup Homepage

Richard Schaffner rschaffner at gzea.com
Wed Nov 6 14:36:59 EST 1996

Please take a moment to visit the new Bioremediation Discussion Group (BioGroup)
homepage at http://biogroup.gzea.com  The new homepage contains information about
bioremediation of contaminated soils/groundwater, the BioGroup, and a
sponsorship program for the group, and provides links to related web sites.

Please refer any questions/comments about the BioGroup or new homepage to my


I. Richard Schaffner, Jr., P.G.
Technical Specialist, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (http://www.gzea.com)
Manager, Bioremediation Discussion Group (http://biogroup.gzea.com)
E-mail: rschaffner at gzea.com
Phone:  603.623.3600
Fax:    603.624.9463

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