3E Database of Environmental Specialists

Phil Smith earth at online.rednet.co.uk
Tue Nov 19 16:42:44 EST 1996

Dear All,

I run a small consultancy in the UK, specialising in EIAs and ecological surveys. 
Over the years I have had lots of enquiries from people wanting environmental 
specialists for jobs around the world and although I could usually put them in touch 
with the right person I found that my ageing brain couldn't hold all the 

In July 1996 I set up a fully searchable database of environmental experts at 

If you are ever looking for an environmental consultant the 3E database is an 
excellent place to start. You can search (FREE of course) by specialisation, country 
(over 130 on already) and working language (13 so far). There are 60 experts on the 
database and it is growing daily (well almost).


If you would like to join for a month and see if it generates any work for you 
please go to our site and select "SUBSCRIBE". Have your CV and up to 50 keywords or 
phrases ready. The choice of keywords is entirely up to you. Choose the WWW 
registration option and fill in the on-screen form. Then email me to tell me that 
you want to take advantage of the offer. After a month I will contact you with the 
number of "hits" your page has received. You then decide whether to join for a full 
year 50 UK pounds, approx $75 US) or have your details wiped.

If you want more information please email me, or better still have a browse at the 
3E site.

I hope this is of interest - my apologies if it isn't.

Dr Phil Smith, Earth's Environmental Experts (3E) Ltd, UK.

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