Dissolving Melatonin

Mutant Mutant at sciboard.spd.louisville.edu
Sat Nov 23 16:58:52 EST 1996

For my science experiment this year I am going to inject melatonin into
potato tumors with the Agrobacterium tumifaciens tumor.  The problem is
that I need to get melatonin into liquid form.  What can I use to
dissolve it?  DMSO was recommended to dissolve the melatonin but it also
kills the tumor.  What about DMSO in a diluted form, may be 1:100 or
something?  Also acetic acid was recommended to me.  What would be a
good Ph?  Are there any other good solvents that can dissolve melatonin?

mutant at sciboard.spdlan.louisville.edu

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