Mycological Maps

Andrew Gillett andyg at sbn2.phes.nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Jan 16 12:36:48 EST 1997

I am interested in finding out the distribution of mushrooms (in
particular edible to human and animal) within Europe, Russia and CIS
countries.  Does anyone know of any resources (digital or hard-copy) 
that are available, such as maps, or know of any contacts that would be
useful to contact ?
I would be grateful for any information.
Thanks to those who have replied to an earlier posting.

Andy Gillett, The Elms, P.E.S.(E), Sutton Bonington Campus,
University of Nottingham, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 5RD.
****** email:  andyg at sbn2.phes.nottingham.ac.uk ******
********** phone: +44-115-9516317           **********
********** fax:   +44-115-9516261           **********

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