Vitek or Microscan?

jtharmon jtharmon at fnet.net
Sun Jan 19 22:46:24 EST 1997

My suggestions:

Everyone has a preference, but enormous amounts of data have shown that
although the systems are different, they both perform well in the vast
majority of circumstances.  Try to visit other laboratories using the
systems and see how they do their work.  Ask them questions about the
software and their likes and dislikes.

Contact the technical service departments of both companies and get copies
of the technical inserts for the panels/cards.  Examine these carefully for
limitations and/or modifications to the procedures.  Ask the technical
service people questions!   If you are working through a distributor you
may need to contact the company directly.

Try to think about how you will supplement any potential deficiencies in
the systems and formats that you choose.  For example - high level
resistance testing of Enterococci, methicillin(oxacillin) resistance
testing of Staphylococci, susceptibility testing of Strep pneumo,
identification of unusual (or veterinary/environmental) organisms.  Make
sure the system covers what you think it covers.

I have personally used Microscan in a reference lab and found it performed
well even to ID veterinary isolates.  I have seen both Microscan and Vitek
in use across the United States in over 100 hospitals and they both are
good systems for most clinical applications.  This  tale has been told many
times in the literature.  Get the one that will work well in your hands!

Jacob T. Harmon MT(ASCP)
Senior Technical Specialist
Difco Laboratories

enigl at aol.com wrote in article
<19970113172000.MAA02288 at ladder01.news.aol.com>...
> I am definitely a Vitek person.  See my web site for Vitek validation
> protocol information.
> Davin C. Enigl, MS-MEAS
> President-Microbiologist
> Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Validations
> for the Food, Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Industry
> HACCP Validations (sm)
> enigl at aol.com
> http://members.aol.com/enigl/index.html
> January 12, 1997
> 8:09 pm

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