Growth at minus 70 C

Michael Kolotila x3644 mkolotila at necc.mass.edu
Mon Jun 2 11:04:14 EST 1997

  I have white fuzzies on the tops of serum samples, but always attributed
that to ice formation, much like one sees on food stored in one's freezer.
I rather doubt that they are fungi.  A simple look under the microscope
should solve the question once and for all.

 Michael P. Kolotila, Ph.D.        * e-mail: mkolotila at necc.mass.edu   
 Biotechnology Program Coordinator *          
 Department of Natural Science and *
 Department of Computer and        *
 Information Sciences              * phone and
 Northern Essex Community College  * voice mail:  508-374-3644
 Elliott Way                       * fax       :  508-374-3723
 Haverhill, MA  01830-2399         *              508-374-3729
       "A little caffeine is good for the soul."  --David Hamburger          

On Thu, 29 May 1997, John Cherwonogrodzky wrote:

> Dear Colleagues:
>      I have been doing a little work with mice infected with fungi. I have 
> noticed that their serum samples, stored at minus 70 C have fungal growth at 
> the top. I haven't had time to pursue this, but this observation runs counter 
> to logic. Things don't grow on frozen media (though I once read that 15% of 
> the water is still in liquid phase) I think It more likely that there was 
> growth in the serum samples when I worked with these at room temperature, and 
> then upon freezing the fungi were somehow compressed to the top by the 
> formation of ice crystals. Any comment? Thanks...John

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