Gumgum5 wrote:
>> can somone please list the schools that offer the best
> biology/microbiology
> program?
>> thanks.
According to the U.S. News and World Report for Best Graduate Schools.
The top twenty for biological sciences are
1. Harvard (MA)
1. MIT
1. Stanford (CA)
1. U of C - Berkeley
5. California Institute of Technology
6. Johns Hopkins University (MD)
6. Princeton University (NJ)
6. Rockefeller University (NY)
9. U of C - San Francisco
9. Yale University (CT)
11. Cornell University (NY)
11. Duke University (NC)
11. University of Chicago
11. U of Wisconsin - Madison
15. U of C - San Diego
15. U of Washington
15. Washington U(MO)
18. U of Michigan - Ann Arbor
19. Columbia U(NY)
20. Baylor College of Medicine (TX)
The top specialty programs for Microbiology are:
1. Stanford University
2. Harvard U
3. U of Wisconsin - Madison
4. MIT
5. U of C - San Francisco