> ==========
> bionet/microbiology #6737, from David.Hagerberg at mbioekol.lu.se, 815
chars, Wed 15 Oct 1997 15:09:03 +0
> ----------
> Article: 7918 of bionet.microbiology
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> mail
> From: David Hagerberg <David.Hagerberg at mbioekol.lu.se>
> Newsgroups: bionet.microbiology
> Subject: Definition of Fungi
> Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 15:09:03 +0100
> Organization: Dep Microbial Ecology, Lund University
> Lines: 5
> Message-ID: <3444CE7F.660D at mbioekol.lu.se>
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>> Hello!
>> How is fungi defined and by whom?
>> Best Regards
Sorry I can't remember the originator but a definition I remember is
that a fungus is a "non-photosynthetic thallophyte". I think I remember
it because it sounds so boring !
Peter Harris'
Reading, UK.