MUST READ -- Free Home Heating by running a recruiting business

Marc Andelman drgonfly at ultranet.com
Wed May 20 18:03:45 EST 1998

mark wrote:
> Marc Andelman wrote:
> Thats a bit disengenuous but....the main point that would refute your
> statement that lita nelsen has a vested interest is that the impact of
> technology licensing on the universities has been small as most
> university offices barely break even.  obviously its the companies that
> make out not the universities.

No one benefits.

> and my writieng are the opinion of another academic lackey that is happy
> that he ain't no industry lackey where my ideas couldn't be patented
> for my gain, but here they can.  ITs stupic to give that up inthis age of
> biotech given my background.  small start-ups is the way to go!
> markH

That is all I have been saying if anyone is listening.


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