An Observation On Pseudomonas Odor

Dr. James Mon é jmone at marauder.millersv.edu
Wed Aug 16 08:46:58 EST 2000

Yersinia et al. write that they have never been able to smell that fruity
odor of Pseudomonas.  For this I have no explanation.  I've isolated
Psuedomonas several times from water baths and liquid antibacterial soap in
our Micro lab.  These isolates always appear as very wet, blue-green growth,
and always have that "smell".  It's almost impossible not to notice it. 
Perhaps there are differences between isolates or culture conditions that
account for this, but it never fails to occur with our Psuedomonas isolates.
 Give me your address and I'll send you a slant of it the next time I happen
to isolate it.

Jay M.


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