Want to Buy: Pre-owned Laboratory Equipment

kanda kanda at biomedika.com
Sat Aug 19 18:55:55 EST 2000

We urgently need the following pre-owned lab items:

1. Millipore Pellicon 2/Pellicon cassette system
2. Pharmacia FPLC with full configuration
3. HPLC 1100, HP model, without autosampler
4. UV/Vis spectrophotometer; recent model; kinetics and scanning
5. Power supplies; Pharmacia, Hoefer, or BioRad model; 500V and 2000V
6. High speed centrifuge: benchtop; very recent Beckman model
7. Thermostatic circulator; Pharmacia MultiTemp III model
8. Inverted Microscope with camera; biological application; Nikon, Olympus,
or Zeiss recent model
9. electrophoresis gel image analysis system with fluorescence and UV
10. Microplate reader: very recent Bio-Tek, Molecular device or Labsystems
11. Microplate fluorescence reader: recent model
12. PCR system; Perkin Elmer 9600 or 9700
13. pH meter
14. Balance; top loading; 0.001g unit
15. Water purifucation system; Milli Q and Milli RO or Barnstead Easy Pure
RO and NanoPure ; recent tabletop
16. Vacuum gel dryer system; Hoefer model
17. Complete Speed-Vac system for protein purifucation; Savant model
18. microcentrifuge, refrigerated; recent Eppendorf model
19. microcentrifuge; recent Eppendorf model
20. tabletop centrifuge with adaptor for 50ml conical tube, refrigerated;
recent model
21. Deep Freezer: Revco or Forma model;  about 300L or 500 L; -86C
22. Shaker, oscilator type; Hoefer
23. Shaker, orbital type; Hoefer
24. Vortex mixer (Genie 2)
25. Stirrer (Labline, Thermolyne, Corning, etc.)
26. Hot plate stirrer (Labline, Thermolyne, Corning, etc.)
27. Transilluminator; UV/Vis; Hoefer
28. Photodocumentation system (PhotoMan direct gel documentation system);
29. Electrophoresis system; recent Novex model

If you have any of the above items or know anybody willing to sell, please
contact me.  Please submit offers with full specs, pictures and pricings.
You can also submit your offers to sell  using our classified ads section at
http://www.biomedika.com   Registration and Postings are FREE!


Tel. 1-514-684-0226
kanda at biomedika.com

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