science writing - why I'm doing it

Derek Oliver derek at ee.umanitoba.ca
Wed Aug 23 15:36:39 EST 2000


Good luck in your endeavours, we need good, committed
communicators more than ever.


Brian Hoyle wrote:
> To All,
> Having had an inquiry in response to the recent posting, wondering why I
> became a popular/technical science writer, and if my science writing was
> a retreat from the scientific battlefield, I thought I would briefly
> explain.
> My journey away from the lab bench was not prompted by funding cuts,
> academic difficulties or the like. Rather, it was because I decided that
> the communication of science was the area where I felt most comfortable
> and was most inclined. The doing of the science was not a comfortable
> zone for me. But it took a long time to shake off the blinders that,
> because I was trained as an academic researcher, that was what I must
> do.
> We all contribute to science, if we choose, in different ways. My
> present path is one of many. So far it works for me.
> I hope the explanation is useful to the person who wrote me.
> Cheers, Brian

Dr. Derek R. Oliver - SPM Group
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada

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