Errol E.S.Kwan at massey.ac.nz
Thu Aug 24 20:27:40 EST 2000

>From my understanding this is a minisatellite that's at the end of a
gene.  There's a relationship between the number of times this
sequence is repeated and the disease.  

Perhaps you could do a search using the words 'Huntinton's and

That is unless they're microsatellites - I get them confused.

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 17:35:03 GMT, "Danny White"
<webmaster at whitebag.com> wrote:

>I am writing a research paper on the gene that when it contains the letters
>CAG repeatedly, causes Huntingtons disease.  could anyone direct me to any
>sources where i might obtain more information.
>best regards

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