We Will Send Your E Mail For You

emmarket2001 at yahoo.com emmarket2001 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 16 17:05:36 EST 2001

If you wish to send a message using an E Mail list of almost any size, 
either on a one time or repetitive basis, we can send your E Mail for 

We have high speed bandwidth, and are our own ISP.  We do not have any 
restrictions on the size of the E Mail list you can use, nor do we 
concern ourselves over whether the lists we send for our customers are 
"opt in" or not; we rely on our customer's discretion.  We can also 
develop custom E Mail lists for you, should you need them.

You will find our prices very competitive.

If we can be of service to you, please just give us a call at (661) 
286-0041, or E Mail us by clicking on this E Mail address: 
emmarket2001 at yahoo.com.  

To be removed from our list, please see the message below.    

Thank you. 


Your E-mail Address Removal/Deletion Instructions: 

We comply with proposed federal legislation regarding unsolicited   
commercial e-mail by providing you with a method for your e-mail 
address to be permanently removed from our database and any future  
mailings from our company.  

To remove your address, please send an e-mail message with the word   
REMOVE in the subject line to:  emmarket2001 at yahoo.com
If you do not type the word REMOVE in the subject line, your request  
to be removed will not be processed. 



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