[Microbiology] Re: Do any bad-smelling compounds result from anoxic bacterial decomposition of ethanol?

biovirus04 at gmail.com biovirus04 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 20:04:04 EST 2006

> >      EtOH + Acetate + CO2  -->  Caproate + Butyrate + H2
> >
What if there is no acetate or CO2?

Go look up Clostridium kluyveri metabolism, then tell me.  I have no
idea.  My guess:  EtOH won't be degraded to yield energy if there is no
acetate or CO2 present.


Alex B. Berezow, Grad Student
Dept. of Microbiology
University of Washington School of Medicine
Seattle, WA  98195

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