Dear collegues,
only a very short question: Are one of you able to help me finding the main
reference for the first, well known phylogenetic tree of the 5.8S-rRNA? Which
is containing most organism groups, from archaebacteria to higher vertebrates.
It was I think the first attempt to determine phylogenetic relationships from
RNA sequence data...
Via gopher I was unable to find the references eg in RDP's server or
Please be so kind and mail me anything you can find/remember, even if it
would be only the author's name or the title/journal.
Thanks in advance Christian Griebel
| \ Christian Griebel / |
| \ HUMBOLDT university / |
| \ Institute of Genetics / |
| \ Invalidenstr. 43 / |
| \ 10115 BERLIN / |
| \ / | CARPE DIEM - and
| \ Germany / | enjoy the night...
| \ / |
| ~~~~~~~ |
|?| | Christian=Griebel at or
|_| o ===|
| | un10cg at