A while ago I posted news of new software here and thus I need to
post a caveat.
Sorry for yet another message from me that you
may not want. But none said they didn't want the last ones AND:
PACK.EXE and WARDLEY.EXE had bugs, they are fixed.
TEASE.EXE has been made to work interactively with ARNIE.EXE
ARNIE.EXE and WARDLEY.EXE have considerable added functionality in
relation to serial homology (e.g., codon positions).
PLEASE, if you downloaded earlier versions, obliterate them and retrieve
the latest versions from zoo.toronto.edu/pub. FTP all of the new
software as the old versions will not work properly together!!
Also: read random.READMEandBUGS at the same site.
If you prepared a manuscript using WARDLEY.EXE re-do it with the new version.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Mark E. Siddall "I don't mind a parasite...
mes at vims.edu I object to a cut-rate one"
Virginia Inst. Marine Sci. - Rick
Gloucester Point, VA, 23062