
Andrew J. Roger aroger at is2.dal.ca
Tue Oct 22 08:43:29 EST 1996

Jim Cummins wrote:
> In article <53t6kq$h9j at bignews.shef.ac.uk>, T.S.Bibby at shef.ac.uk (T S
> Bibby) wrote:
> > Hello, am doing a project entitled Chloroplasts and Gastarbeiter in
> > eukaryotic cells.  What is 'foregin' about them and to what extent have
> > they become integrated.  Anything (references etc) envolving this
> > subject would be useful.
> Check out Margulis and Sagan 1986 "Origins of Sex" Yale University Press

Actually, there has been lots of molecular work done on this
since the Margulis book.  Look to the primary literature
for authors such as:
Mike Gray, Mike Reith, Richard Hallick.  There are tons
other references you can find by looking in the references
of papers by these authors.  Gray wrote a huge review paper
in 1992 (Int. Rev. Cytol.) on mitochondria and chloroplasts.
When you talk about integrated, I imagine you are thinking of
things like transfer of plastid genes of the nucleus.  Much
plastid DNA has been transferred to the nucleus (one could safely
say that probably >50% of the proteins in the plastid are encoded
in the nucleus). Chloroplasts are foreign because they are
specifically related to cyanobacteria, whereas the nuclear
lineage is probably closest to the Archeabacteria.

Hope that this helps a little.

Andrew J. Roger

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