Matt Kane kane at onyx.si.edu
Fri May 21 12:15:22 EST 1999

                        POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS IN
The Laboratory of Molecular Systematics at the National Museum of Natural
History, Smithsonian Institution, invites applications for 1- and 2-year
postdoctoral fellowships.  Fellows are expected to conduct research in
close collaboration with one of three LMS senior scientists, whose areas of
research are given below.  Stipends currently are $27,000 per year plus
benefits.  Awards are made on the basis of competitive review of written
research proposals, qualifications and training.  Applications from female
and minority applicants are encouraged. The application deadline is 15
January 2000.  To begin the application process, send curriculum vitae,
names and phone numbers of 3 references and a short statement of research
interests to Dr. Matthew D. Kane, Biological Sciences Program Administrator
at kane at lms.si.edu or at Laboratory of Molecular Systematics, Smithsonian
Institution Support Ctr., 4210 Silver Hill Rd. Suitland, MD 20746;
Telephone: (301) 238-3444, x108.

MICHAEL J. BRAUN, Director, Laboratory of Molecular Systematics; Curator,
Vertebrate Zoology.  Research specialties: genetic analysis of avian
hybridization and speciation, molecular systematics and population genetics
of birds, use of ancient DNA in evolutionary research.

DAVID L. SWOFFORD, Principle Investigator, Laboratory of Molecular
Systematics; Curator, Vertebrate Zoology. Research specialties: theory and
methodology of phylogenetic inference from morphological, genetic, and
molecular data; systematics of fishes.

ELIZABETH A. ZIMMER, Principal Investigator, Laboratory of Molecular
Systematics; Curator, Botany. Research specialties: molecular systematics
of flowering plants; structure and differential expression of multigene
families (particularly in interspecific hybrids); development of molecular
markers across a range of species divergence; and molecular basis of
morphological and developmental adaptations.

Dr. Matthew D. Kane
Laboratory of Molecular Systematics
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution Museum Support Center
4210 Silver Hill Road
Suitland, MD 20746
Telephone: (301) 238-3444 EX. 108
Fax: (301) 238-3059
email:kane at lms.si.edu

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