pdb->dxf or anything else?

Ton Rullmann rull at nmr.chem.ruu.nl
Tue Jan 10 08:46:36 EST 1995

morgan at mercury.interpath.net (Morgan Ryan) wrote:
> Is there a utility that will convert pdb files to dxf or any other 3d 
> format? (Mac preferred). I'm trying to move molecular graphics to Ray 
> Dream Designer...Thanks. Morgan Ryan

You may want to try the Babel program suite, developed by the
Dolata Research Group, University of Arizona.

Babel will read the following file types :
Alchemy                  AMBER PREP               Ball and Stick           
Biosym .CAR              Boogie                   Cacao Cartesian          
Cambridge CADPAC         CHARMm                   Chem3D Cartesian 1       
Chem3D Cartesian 2       CSD CSSR                 CSD FDAT                 
CSD GSTAT                Free Form Fractional     GAMESS Output            
Gaussian Z-Matrix        Gaussian Output          Hyperchem HIN            
Mac Molecule             Macromodel               Micro World              
MM2 Input                MM2 Ouput                MM3                      
MMADS                    MDL MOLfile              MOLIN                    
Mopac Cartesian          Mopac Internal           Mopac Output             
PDB                      Quanta                   ShelX                    
Spartan                  Sybyl Mol                Sybyl Mol2               

Babel will write the following file types :
Alchemy                  Ball and Stick           Cacao Cartesian          
CAChe MolStruct          Chem3D Cartesian 1       Chem3D Cartesian 2       
ChemDraw Conn. Table     CSD CSSR                 Gamess Input             
Gaussian Cartesian       Gaussian Z-matrix        Hyperchem HIN            
IDATM                    Mac Molecule             Macromodel               
Micro World              MM2 Input                MM2 Ouput                
MM3                      MMADS                    MDL Molfile              
Mopac Cartesian          Mopac Internal           PDB                      
Report                   Spartan                  Sybyl Mol                
Sybyl Mol2               XYZ                      

Babel is available via annonymous ftp from 
joplin.biosci.arizona.edu in pub/Babel.

Hope this helps.
Ton Rullmann.

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