Mac-based alignment

David G. Rhodes rhodes at MODEL.PHR.UTEXAS.EDU
Wed Jun 28 10:12:57 EST 1995

I'm inquiring on behalf of a colleague, so I apologize in advance to the
Mac community if there's some software about which I ought to be aware.

The question concerns alignment of related protein structures.  Is there
_Mac-based_ software available which would allow related structures to be
aligned using a Mac platform.  Certainly there are such tools for "higher
level" hardware, and algorithms should be portable, but the questions are:
- what program(s)?
- what alignment methods do they use?
- limitations or requirements?

Thanks 10^6.

_____________________________________ O==O _______________________________
| David G. Rhodes                   | O==O | RHODES at MODEL.PHR.UTEXAS.EDU |
| Pharmaceutics Division            | O==O |                             |
| College of Pharmacy               | O==O | Phone: (512)471-4681        |
| The University of Texas at Austin | O==O | Fax:   (512)471-7474        |
| Austin, TX   78712-1074           | O==O |                        }:)  |
|___________________________________| O==O |_____________________________|

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