Hoping to construct a model by homology?

Arne Elofsson arne at hodgkin.mbi.ucla.edu
Tue Mar 7 00:23:48 EST 1995

In article <3j60hm$7n6 at nrcnet0.nrc.ca> James.Fethiere at BRI.NRC.CA (James Fethiere) writes:

;>X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
;>Well, after answering all these question about homology and identity
;>between your two molecules, you could use the HOMOLOGY package
;>in the InsightII-Discover program to do your homology modeling.
;>If the overall fold is the same, this should give you good results
;>Good luck

If you do not want to pay for InsightII or Quanta.
I think both WhatIf by Gert Vriend (vriend at embl-heidelberg.de)
and Homology by Sali & Blundell are good and cheap

               From: Arne Elofsson
         Email: arne at hodgkin.mbi.ucla.edu   			
  WWW:  http://www.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/arne/main.html	

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