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= PROtein Structure Analysis: PROSA II V.3.0 =
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Our server gundi.came.sbg.ac.at was down for the last few
days due to updates. The service is up again.
There is some new stuff:
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| Prosa II version 3.0 is now also available for DEC ALPHA OSF1 V2.0. |
Prosa II version 3.0 is freely available for academic users.
You can down-load Prosa II 3.0 by anonymous ftp from
Gundi.came.sbg.ac.at (
Licenses are distributed on a one machine one license basis. A license is
valid for one year. Licenses are free of charge for academic users.
For commercial licenses please contact:
Center Of Applied Molecular Engineering
Jakob-Haringer Str. 1
A-5020 Salzburg / AUSTRIA
E-Mail: sippl at olga.came.sbg.ac.at