Nanobiology Call for Papers

Tess Mercer tess at NANOTHINC.COM
Mon Aug 5 16:49:31 EST 1996

Topical Overview:

Call for Papers - 
Nanobiology:  Research, Theory, and Current

Nanotechnology, as a general topic, covers a very wide array
of different disciplines and areas of research.  However, in
the realm of biological and biomolecular applications and 
developments, there are a number of current examples,
including some commercial applications, which are reshaping
the approach to which previously difficult, or even "unsolvable"
procedures can now be resolved, or greatly improved upon.

It is specifically in the realm of thoeretical, near term, or currently
available technologies, and how they are affected by application
of "nanobiological" processes, that will be reviewed in this
section of the journal.   By definition, a nanobiological 
process could be described, in this context, as any process
which utilizes the contrived manipulation of individual 
biomolecules or biomolecular structures to fullfill a desired task,
create an object, a material or application of a material,
or as an intermediate step in fullfilling a multistaged 
series of assembly or construction tasks involving biomolecular

This definition could also be expanded to include the methodologies
of visualiztion or detection of nanoscale activities in a 
biomolecular environment, or in the development of instrumentation
and processes related to these tasks.

Also, there are other tangential aspects of nanobiological
processes which are also relevant, and deserve attention.
Particularly in the areas of potential nanoscale computing
or information processing applications which may utilize
or incorporate biological components or processes, there has 
been considerable interest and research ativities.

Please let us know if you are interested. Information about our company,
Nanothinc, can be found at http://www.nanothinc.com. 

Also, I have additional Notes for Contributors which I can fax to your


Maritess T. Mercer
Director of Administration
Project Manager
1797 Union Street                           
San Francisco, CA 94123
Tel:  (415) 202-9969, Fax: (415) 202-9975
URL: http://www.nanothinc.com
Email:  tess at nanothinc.com

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