Starch Structure & Function WWW Page

Andrew Black apb104 at MAILER.YORK.AC.UK
Wed Aug 7 06:11:19 EST 1996

Macromolecules Web Site Launch!

Check out the latest new web pages for the Macromolecules Unit
at York University who provide novel methods both for use and
problem solving in commercial applications of starch and other
important macromolecules.         
The Unit has conducted pioneering research, particulary in the
field of starch structure and function, notably solving a 
100 year old phase separation problem. 

For more information please visit the main web site;
   URL: http://www.york.ac.uk/admin/ido/macromol/

or for the very latest information;

   URL: http://www.york.ac.uk/admin/ido/macromol/docs/new.htm
Andrew Black. Technical Assistant c/o Macromolecules Unit             
apb104 at york.ac.uk

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